

  1. name: Pedro And christian
    1 1/2 cups sugar
    2 teaspoons vinegar
    2/3 cup water
    1 packet cherry
    10 apples

    1. Mix sugar, vinegar and water.
    2. Boil Until mixture reaches 300 degrees fahrenheit; cool.
    3. Stir in
    4. Put apples on sticks and dip into mixture quickly.

    In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house;
    And in the dark, dark house there was a dark, dark room;
    And in the dark, dark room there was a dark, dark cupboard;
    And in the dark, dark cupboard there was a dark, dark shelf;
    And on the dark, dark shelf there was a dark, dark box; And in the dark, dark box there was a....ghost!

    In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house;
    And in the dark, dark house there was a dark, dark room;
    And in the dark, dark room there was a dark, dark cupboard;
    And in the dark, dark cupboard there was a dark, dark shelf;
    And on the dark, dark shelf there was a dark, dark box; And in the dark, dark box there was a....mouse!

  2. Candy Apples

    12 red apples, washed and dried, placed on skewers.
    3 cups granulated sugar
    1 cup corn syrup
    1 cup water
    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    1/4 teaspoon red food colouring

    1. Lighty grease baking sheet.
    2. In a Saucepan, combine the sugar, corn syrup and water.
    3. Heat, stirring, constantly, until sugar dissolves.
    4. Cover and bring to boil.
    5. Boil, uncovered and without stirring, until a few drops in cold water separate into threads.
    6. Blend in cinnamon and red food colouring.
    7. Remove from heat.
    8. Tip saucepan and dip apples in syrup turning to coat evenly.
    9. Place on prepared baking sheet to harden.


    In a Dark Dark Wood

    In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house;
    And in the dark, dark house there was a dark, dark room;
    And in the dark, dark room there was a dark, dark cupboard;
    And in the dark, dark cupboard there was a dark, dark shelf;
    And on the dark, dark shelf there was a dark, dark box; And in the dark, dark box there was a....ghost!

    In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house;
    And in the dark, dark house there was a dark, dark room;
    And in the dark, dark room there was a dark, dark cupboard;
    And in the dark, dark cupboard there was a dark, dark shelf;
    And on the dark, dark shelf there was a dark, dark box; And in the dark, dark box there was a....mouse!

    In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house;
    And in the dark, dark house there was a dark, dark room;
    And in the dark, dark room there was a dark, dark cupboard;
    And in the dark, dark cupboard there was a dark, dark shelf;
    And on the dark, dark shelf there was a dark, dark box; And in the dark, dark box there was a....elephant!

    In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house;
    And in the dark, dark house there was a dark, dark room;
    And in the dark, dark room there was a dark, dark cupboard;
    And in the dark, dark cupboard there was a dark, dark shelf;
    And on the dark, dark shelf there was a dark, dark box; And in the dark, dark box there was a....skeleton!

    In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house;
    And in the dark, dark house there was a dark, dark room;
    And in the dark, dark room there was a dark, dark cupboard;
    And in the dark, dark cupboard there was a dark, dark shelf;
    And on the dark, dark shelf there was a dark, dark box; And in the dark, dark box there was a....nothing! TONTERIA



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