"The big bottle" and "alternatives to alcohol to encourage a healthy life"


  1. Are you for or against "the big bottle"? Why?

    "The big bottle" is a phenomenon that is very fashionable nowadays, but it is insane and it causes damage in the sites where it takes place. For these reasons, I'm totally against it.

    In the first place, it is necessary to remember at all time that there are persons who live in the city centres and with booze-up they cannot sleep in the whole night. After remaining awake because of so much noise, on the following morning when they go out of his houses they find only rubbish. Perhaps do these persons deserve this? In my opinion, absolutely not.

    Secondly, many young persons of those who take part in "the big bottle" are of minimum ages. They drink what they want and more because nobody controls in the streets his access to the alcoholic drinks. As a result of this, the drunk teenagers, more than once, cause acts of vandalism and they bring fights.

    In conclusion, "the big bottle" doesn't contribute anything good to the society, what is more, it is a social problem that all together we must eradicate.

    Marta Valiente 2ºBACH B.

  2. Silvia Jiménez Corrales.
    2º B.

    About "the big bottle" I think it isn't good for teenagers. First of all, I'm against it because afterthat, teenagers leave dirty streets, and neighbors aren't to blame. In second place alcohol is a soft drug, so it is bad for teenager's body. Alcohol can make people not know what they're doing and the next day they don't remember anything.
    Somebody must make up something which teengaers can enjoy without harming health.
    I think some people who make "the big bottle" could become alcoholic in his or her future, and he/she could has diseases like cirrosis.
    Finally, I'm against it because I don't thing it has benefits for anybody.

  3. Name: Cristina Pardo Castillo
    Course: 2ºB Bach.
    The alternatives that the Government can offer aren't with the intention that is ful filled since every person can do what he wants, but attemps to give some options that young people can choose.
    The Government will give enough information for many young people that for example every weekend, what they think is of drinking alcohol as they think that is fun. Other alternatives could be not to take drugs and more fequent in the young people is the initation of smoking. These two options are two of the most frequent in young people except for other young people who are characterized by do this.
    In conclusion, the Government is trying give some alternatives for the improvement of life to young people. In my opinion is a good action to do so as many young people shouldn't have an unhealthy life.

  4. Marina Pastor Jurado.
    2º Bach. B.

    From my point of view I think that ``The Big Bottle´´ can have two effects: One positive and an other negative.

    The positive is favorable for consumers of alcohol because they buy drinks from a group of people then the bottles of alcohol come at a price which is cheaper per person.
    The negative mostly affects society because these parties tend to generate very much rubbish in the streets, annoy the neighbors of these areas by the loud noises, also affect the bars and discos because make they have much less demand, can also makes it easier for minors to consume alcohol.

    I think that one of the solutions to solve ``The Big Bottle´´ is that government should lower taxes on bars and discos so that they can bring the price of the drinks down, now so people could continue going to them.

  5. Cristina Salas Lanzat
    2º Bach. B.
    I'm not for or against "The big bottle", in my opinion "The big bottle" has advantages and disadvantages.
    On the part of advantages, in my opinion "The big bottle" is good for young people because they can meet other peaople and have a very funny night making themselves more sociable.
    On the part of disadvantages, in my opinion, "The big bottle" leaves the streets full of rubbish and alcohol from young people it´s so bad because it makes that people don´t know what are they doing.
    I think "The big bottle" can be transport to the outskirts of the city and the residents, who had been kept up all night furious because it´s in the centre, could be more happy because the centre is cleaner and there is less noise in the night. But do "The big bottle" on the outskirts of the city is bad from young people because they have to go with cars so drinking and driving could be unhealthy, because it can cause an accident.

  6. NAME: José Miguel Ramírez Domínguez.
    COURSE: 2º Bach. B.


    Today, many young people live taking risks in their lives, in this case we speak of the big bottles, so to avoid this behaviour, what alternatives can the government offer to encourage young people to a healthy life?

    First, a good alernative would be that the gouvernment created "Free Arcade Areas" where they could be for a limited time.

    Another alternative would be doing courses to help parents to learn how to educate their children not to participate in this alcohol abuse parties, and children, to see what are the dangers of this type of fun and lifestyle.

    In conclusion, if we think, we can find solutions and ways to help these young people, but if they or others do not do anything, it will be very difficult to solve this actual situation.

  7. Javier Chamizo Sánchez 2º BACH. B

    In my opinion, as an alternative to "The Big Bottle", governments could create specific locations when they are in control of the entry and sell alcohol at low prices.

    I think it could be create cleaner cities, and the residents wouldn´t have to complain about the noise.

    These sites would be located on the outskirts of cities, providing a public transport to arrive.

    In this site, agents would have to look at the behaviour of teenegers.

    The trouble with this idea is that it´s expensive.

  8. In my opinion, I can understand the young people who make the big bottle and I can understand residents who complain about it.

    On the one hand, young people drink in the street because they don´t have abaut of money and drinking in the street is cheaper than in pubs. In the street, not only the can talk and chat somebody up but also they can smoke and dance. In adiction, pubs close at three a.m, wherear the big bottle doesn´t have a closing time.

    On the other hand, the big bottle generates a lot of noise, screams, there are flights between young people get bock home, they leave a lot of bottles, glasses, food, plastics...
    The residents can´t support all this, so that they call the police and protest.

    In conclusion, the Govermment shouuld look for a solution for this problem. One solution would be to look for a big place whith toilets where young people could the big bottle without disturbing other people.
    Noelia Ruiz 2ºBach B


    The Govermment will be able to offer healthier alternatives.
    Nowadays, almost all healthy alternatives are more expensive that doing "the big bottle". For example: going to the cinema, eatting in a restaurant and other things which also are it.

    I think it would be a good idea if city councils created a place where the young people will be able to share their hobbies. Where they will be able to have fun without using alcohol.

    Every time there are more children between 12 and 15 years who drink alcohol, and also in excessive quantities. Young people don't relize that these habits will also damage their bodies: like their brain, their nervous system, their liver, and so.

    Finally, I believe that teenagers would appreciate having more entertainment alternatives.

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  11. Noelia Ruiz Castro
    2ºBachillerato B
    Writing: Some people buy more than they need.Which are the consequences for the planet?

    First, people of the world spend a lot of money in objects that in the future will be useless.
    Second, these products, generally can´t be recicled, this is a big problem, because it causes pollution on the planet.
    We should´t buy products that produce pollution to save the planet and live better.
    On the other hand, we can use products made from natural materials, so they don´t pollute.
    In conclusion, if you recycle, you will change the planet, so you will live better and the next generation too.


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