What do you do to keep fit?


    Many people think that being fit is only about jogging and dieting. But no, in my opinion there are a list objetives.
    Firstly, you must trust yourself, and think that you can get it. Secondly, you should do a list with activities. This activities are for example doing sport: volleyball with friends, running 30 minutes each day. Also you can go walking and not use the bus, motobikes... But if you haven't got time for walking, you can do exercise at home, for example 50 push-ups. In addiction, you can go to the chemist so that they do a diet for your weight and age. Thirstly, you must not drink alcohol, eat a lot of chocolate... Finally, you must do a control each month.
    I think that on the one hand what you get is " being fit " and the other hand is feeling positive about yourself.
    In conclusion, anyone can get this objetive with effort.

    Being fit is very important for our health and for our body, concerning it there are many methods and forms.
    The healthiest thing which I do, is doing execirse, for example jogging or going to the gym. You can do exercises in your house to.
    Moreover I have a good nutrition, that implies fruits, vegetables, pulses, etc. It is good eating differents kinds of food but without abuse.
    We can´t forget that to be healthy we musn´t smoke, drink alcohol and take drugs, because we suffer illnesses.
    If we have difficulty to do exercise, we can have proteins, consequently you may have side effects.
    In conclusion, for feeling well, we have to make an effort.

  3. Ester Muñoz Durán 2º BACH B
    People say that they want to be fit, but the truth is that they don't worry about their personal situation.
    From my point of view it is very important to eat healthily. I am in favor of eating fruits and vegetables every day, therefore you will be thinner. In spite of this meat and fish are necessary too but you don't have to eat too much meat.
    You can buy chicken instead of pork meat, it'ts better.
    On the other hand, doing sport has advantages for ourselves. Broadly speaking people now go more to the gym tan before, although you can fogging too o do sport in your house it is cheaper if you don't have enough money.
    You must avoid fast food because this kind of food has a lot of calories and you'll put on weight.
    In conclusión if you eat healthy and do sport you will be very fit !

    Many people say that being fit is a very difficult thing, but I don’t think so. With healthy meals and one or two hours a day of your favourite sport, you can be fit.
    Personally, I do yoga one hour twice a week and I go running about 30 minutes every day. However, the most important thing is nutrition. So as to have a good diet you need to eat fruits and vegetables 6 or 7 times a week. The best is eating five pieces of fruits a day because they have a lot of vitamins and energy. You should eat red meat no more than 2 times a week and you must forget junk food and fast food.
    To sum up, although you think that you can’t do it, do it! Be fit is easier that you think.

    We'll talk about all that we can do to be fit.
    Firstly, since we are children our parents must worry about our nutrition.
    They must give us different types of food: vegetables, fruit, fish, meat, carbohydrates, pulses.
    We can't abuse sweats, it is very important.
    When we are grown ups, we have to care for our health.
    We have to do sport with frequenc. Furthermore we must avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and other drugs.
    I am careful about my nutrition. I go to the gym every day.
    In the gym I do a lot of things. I practise swimming for my back.
    My gym has a spa, it is very relaxing after doing sport.
    Therefore I consider that it is very important to do all this to have a good life.

  6. You can be fit in differents ways´ in my opinion...
    First i would go to the doctor so that he would guide me it´s better forme. For a healthy life we must have a good nutrition ; eat fruits , vegetables ,fish , meat and pulses but you shouldn´t eat more carbohydrates you shouldn´t smoke. Don´t take any kind of drunks or alcoholic drinks.
    you will be healthy it you do exercise or do sport in special , in conclusion we must make on effort if we wont to be healthy.

    María Ramírez Medina 2ª bachillerato -B

  7. Javier Farfán Gómez 2ºB

    First of all keeping fit is good for your health. I go to the gym. I do not have a special diet but diets are good.
    Many people think that the sport is good ande it is true. The people whe do sports are fit and they have a good health. As a result they sweat a lot. I do not like sweating. Besides, the gym is good to be fit. Fating rice and chicken is good for you. Not drinkig alcoholic drinks is good. It drinkig a lot of water is good. Junk food is not good to be fit.
    In conclusion being fit is very important you health.

    Las year i was overweight so i decided to do sport and go every day to the gym to lose weight two months before muy graduation, so that i could put on a dress.
    On the other han i want to be fit and do sport sometimes to refresh muy mind and have a healthyly life and also to feel good with myself.The sport that i most like doing is padel, so every summer i go to a camp to play. Sometimes i go with my friends to carranque for jogging. I enjoy my gym because i speak with other women while i do sport. I have a lot of friends that play football, but i don't like this exercise.
    In conclusion, you can go for a walk for 30 minutes a day if you don't want to go to the gym.

  9. Samara Porras Gallego 2° Bachillerato C
    Some people argue that being fit and beautiful are the most important in life. But in my opinion I disagree with this idea although , I respect the opinions of people.
    Being fit has advantages : sport helps your health. It even makes you feel good although it is very hard.
    On account of this, many people are very superficial. According to statistics, almost population practise many sports in order to feel good with their bodies phisically.
    Personally, I think that sport its good with moderation. I like practising sport because sometimes I am very worried about my studies and I need to relax.
    In summary, there are different opinions among people about being fit. Therefore, I have taken into acount all points of views

    Firstly, I think being is very important for our lives.
    Nowadays, we have a lot of alternatives to do sport. We can do sport outside, in our house or in a gym.
    However, I don't do much sport because of some reasons.
    The first reason is my laziness. I am a lazy person and I think sport is boring.
    The second reason is my time. I don't have much time. So if I don't have time and I'm very lazy, doing sport is something impossible for me.
    I haven't practised sport recently, but last year I started to do sport in my house.
    I watched videos on the Internet. In these videos, a girl did sport and she taught me how to do it.
    I should do some sport because it is important for my health and for my mood.
    It is very important to eat well too. Experts recommend to eat five meals every day because it speed the metabolism up.
    In conlusion, everybody should do sport because it only brings benefits!

  11. Paloma María Ríos Partal 2ºA bach
    Many people think that being fit is very difficult, but being fit is easier than it seems. You don't need either eating healthily every day or doing sport all the day.

    In the first place, I think that you must eat fatfree food, a lot of vegetables, a lot of fruits and chicken or fish.
    For breakfast, I think you must have breakfast a piece of fruit, for example, apple, orange, banana, pineapple, strawberry,and a toast with a little quantity of oil, and an orange juice. For lunch you must eat a chicken with cooked rice. And for dinner you must eat a lot of fruits, although you can eat fast food once a week.

    In conclusion, you must eat healthily and do sport in order to be fit.

  12. Patricia Rodríguez Villodres 2 Bach B

    Many people think that doing sport is important to be fit.

    In my opinion, it is very important to eat healthily and you need to practise sport. Also it will be easy if you feel motivated, but you should have time and you feel like doing it. In addiction, you shouldn't be sitting in the sofa watching television all day. Furthermore, you have to practise a sport that you like so as not to be bored.

    In conclusion, if you eat healthy and do sport you'll feel better.

  13. Many people think that sport is difficult and to be fit you have to practise sport all day but it isn't. Many people think that doing sport isn't important. In contrast, I think that doing sport is easy and very important if you want to be a healthy person in the future.
    According to surveys people will be fatter in the future but I am against it because sport is international and more and more people do sport every day.
    In order to be fit I practise my favourite sport, it is football. I go with my friend to play football twice a week and the other day I go out to run. The way I see it is very goos and healthy. So as to be fit you should also eat a lot of fruit and fish.
    To sum up in order to be fit I go out to do sport and eat healthy and this is not difficult for anyone.

    Oscar Sánchez Barco 2º Bach B

    It is very important to be fit for all people because health should be our first interest.
    In the first place, the main thing if you want to be fit is eating healthy food and a well-ajusted diet. Every day it is necesary eating five times and you shouldn't eat too much in each plate, so have small portions.
    On the other hand , the healthiest foods are vegetables and fruits although you can and must eat meat avoiding pork meat and fast food, carbohydrates and soups. All this advice involves drinking water. In a well-ajusted diet are prohibited gas drinks, water is the best. But other option is sport.
    To sum up, I try to have a good nutrition but I do a lot of sport in the gym and I played the football for three years and everybody should try it.


    Many people think that being fit is very easy but they are wrong because starting to keep fit implies having will power.

    If you want to keep fit you have to stop eating all the food that you like and you have to start to do sport. If you are a person who like sport it is something good but if you do not like it is like a new world to you.
    Instead of just eating junk food which is not healthy you could start a balanced diet. You can eat food without a lot of calories such as fruits and vegetables.

    In conclusion if you want to keep fit you will have to do sport and start to eat food without calories.


    In general, people do sport and a lot of diets to be fit. They do not eat fried food or fast food. We can do sport in a gym, as my friends, in our own heuse or in the street. We can run across the street or use the machines to be strong. We can also ride a bike ora skateboard in parks or on the beach.
    Personally I do not do any sport however I sometimes go to the beach riding my bike. In addition I do not eat so much junk food like hamburgers or pizzas, I usually eat salad, chicken, etc. Also it is very important to eat only five meals a day, including a lot of fruits and vegetables. I would like to have a personal trainer who would control me but it is so expensive.
    To sum up a healthy diet is very important to keep fit, not only sport and being constant is necessary!!

  17. Patricia Arcila Diaz - 2ºBACH B12 de octubre de 2014, 9:47

    Many people think they can lose weight eating healthy food, but they need to do some sport too or basically they think that doing sport; they can eat junk food. Of course, junk food is so tasty but it is not good for us.
    Statisties show that many people start to be fit doing some sport, for example running o walking. Walking is a good choice if you do not want to sweat a lot and you can find some places which you have not visited on our city or village.
    Another way to be fit is going to the gym where you can find a lot of things to do. There you can practise dancing; an amazing activity. You can get so much fun with the music but if you do not like dancing; you can wear your headphone with the music you like and go to the stiatic bycicle.
    All these are good ideas to be fit nd have a healthy life. Perhaps, you will love sport because you can feel all improvement in your health.
    Finally, in conclusion, if you want to improve your life and look better, an important thing, you have to be fit and eat jealthy food, a life style you will love.

    Firstly , I think that the sport is very good for health. I do sport every day: jogging, skating, and I go to gym two days a week. Some people argue that the sport is bad for health. In my opinión so that we're fit we should eat healthily that is to say salads, fruits, vegetables,drink a lot of wáter, chicken, drink orange juice...
    Also we sould eat meat, drink milk and more things.
    I'm in favor of a healthy life style. Finally every body should do sport and be fit. In addition to a balanced diet. To sum up, go jogging and if you can't and you haven't got time in your house you can exercise and do diet.
    Furthermore for overweight people is very advisable to be fit and that they do sport and eat fruits instead of fast food.


    Doing sport is very important: it is good for your body and for your mind.
    However, a lot of people never work out and it can bring serious consequences for them. That is why people should try to do more exercises or start doing it.
    In my case, I do not usually do sport because I have not got time for it.
    At the weekend, I usually go cycling with my dad or I go for a walk with a friend. I also try to eat healthily the whole week, but sometimes I eat junk food at the weekend. I should not do it but it is difficult to avoid it if you go out with friends.
    I used to do more exercise when I was younger because I did not have so much homework. For example, I used to do cardio routines, yoga...
    Anyway, I am going to start doing more sport because I really enjoy it, and it is the best thing you can do for your health (and also, eating healthy) and I think everyone should do it.

    Many people think that so as to being fit isn´t very easy, because people haven´t got such a strong will power.
    So as to be fit you don´t need eating healhtily every day.
    In general being fit involves having a good life.
    In the first place, i think that you need to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish, meat... what people consider fatfree food.
    On the other hand you need to sport at least two times at week.
    In contrast so as to be fit you don´t need to eat a lot of sweets because they have got a lot of sugar and it´s bad for health.
    In my view, i think that in order to be fit you need do a bit sport and in a healthy way.

  21. I´m going to write about what I do to be fit. Firtsly, I will say the advantages and disadvantages. Generally, many people think that sport is healthy for us. However, not everybody practise sport.
    On the one hand, sport is really good for us, it is healthy, it´s funny and entertaining. Roughly speaking, is a good idea to be fit.
    On the other hand, you can also be fit and it depends on the food. There´re healthy foods and unhealthy foods. For example, the vegetables are so healthy or the fruit too. While the meat or chips are unhealthy in excess.
    Consequently, if you eat this unhealthy food, you can put on wheigt.
    Moreover, a lot of persons, go to the gym, so as to lose weigth.
    Boradly speaking, if you go to the gym and you eat healthy food, you will be fit.
    Finally, as far as I´m concerned, I love sport, especially tennis, and I eat different kinds food with moderation.



    Many people think that being fit is very healthy and everybody should practise exercise a week. In my opinion we should be careful with sur meals.

    Personally I go to the gym five times a week and there I work hard, I work my muscles, one muscle a day. On the other hand food is very important. We should eat proteins and carbohydrates and avoid fats. The most advisables meats are chicken and turkey. The alcoholic drinks are so bad for your organism.

    In summary being fit is very important doing sport four or ok times a week. Besides dont eat fast food and dont take drugs.

  24. Julia Littafti 2ºBach B
    Many people think that keeping fit is not important.People eat a lot of junk food without caring about their health.
    From my point of view, health is a very important topic in our life . I order to keep fit firstly we should avoid junk food and eat healthy good such as fruits and vegetables.
    Eating healthy food is not enough to keep fit so we should also do a lot of exercise and sport. Doing sport twice a week will help us to take care of our health. In addition you should not drink alcoholic drinks or take drugs, in contrast you should drink a lot of water.
    In sum all these pieces of advice will avoid illness like overweight or sucar disease and you will live a healthy life.

    Nowdays all people go to cheap restaurants where the food is not healthy but is tasty.Many people think that eating good food is less important than buying clothes, mobiles,etc... althought the reality is the opositte.
    From my point of view most people don´t do sport, they prefer to go to cinema, play video games and mobiles and they never move on.
    In my opinion tecnology has affected in a way negative in the recent years, consequently it cause in appearance new ilnesses and many people are fat.
    In general we all should do exercise for two hours every day. Firthetmore sport helps to feel good psicologically and phsically. Doing exercise is the only way to be fit.
    Finally we shouldn´t fotget to eat healthy, we have to eat more fruits and vegetables.

    Many people think that to be fit is not eating all day but this is not the solution.
    Nowdays people think that to be beautiful is being thin howevee this is not real at all.
    In my opinion in order to be fit fistly you should eat all types of food specially fruit and vegetables instead of fast food because is the reason why most people are fat and unhealthy.
    Scondly, roughly speaking more your body that is to say do more sport, not always at the gym wasting money, we can be healthy for free.
    Finally, the most important we do not have to be all the same physically. From my point of view, the most important is being healthy without illness and being hppy with yourself.

  27. Gonzalo Rueda Luque 2º Bach A
    Many people think that being fit is very easy but it isnt.
    Nowardays, people are more concerned about having a healthy lifestyle than in the previous decade.
    Firsltly, in order to be fit people must have a healthy diet. For example, healthy people usually eat vegetables, fish, and foo which has little fat and calories.
    Secondly, many people ormally do sport and drink a lot of water. Actually, there are many people who go jogging, go to the gym, ride on a bike, play football, play tennis and play bastketball.
    In conclusion, in the 21ST century people live longer than in the last centuries because of reasons said previously as doing sport and having a healthy diet.
    I think sports is very important in the life of people.

    Broadly speaking to be fit you need a healthy life and doing sport.
    In the first place concerning to healthy life, people must eat healthy and shouldn't eat junk food, that implies eating vegetables, fruit and drinking very much, eating food with few calories.
    In the second place, concerning sports, people must do some of sport, such as tennis, football, dancing or simply walking, they are very good for your body and furthermore they help to lose weight.
    So as to do all of this you only need a little of time and consequently your life will be better.
    As far as I'm concerned, I go every day to walk with my boyfriend and our dog. It's very funny!, therefore the sport can be very interesting.

  29. Almudena Mateos Gaspar 2ºBach C

    In the first place I am going to talk about being fit. It seems to me that in all sport people spend too much energy. As a result, they have a better body.
    In general I do not practise sport normally, althougt sometimes I do sport in my house.
    I usually walk with my mum at night as well. It seems to me that going too much sport implies a lost of time
    In conclusion do sport it is good our body

  30. Brigit Sedeño Porta 2ºBach A
    Many people think that sport isn´t necesary and being fit is very easy. They don´t have the reason.
    In order to have health and be fit people should: have a balanced diet, go to the gymn, do physical ejercice at home, run in the street, not watch TV and surf the internet all the time and the most important: have strong will power being fit is a very very important thing to have a heathy life and not be overweingh something that the people don´t think is bad but in contrast is very bad for your heath and therefore could kill you.
    To sum up being fit is vey important for health and for life in general. In my opinion all the people should keep a healthy life and be fit.

  31. Isabel Saldaña Lázaro 2º Bach C

    '' What do you do to be fit?''
    Lots of people want to be fit but they do not do anything to get it.
    Being overweight is a huge problem of today's society. There is a lots of research which advises us to do exercise such as running, cycling, dancing or swimming. What do i do to be fit?
    First of all I can not say I do a lot of exercise because I have a knee problem and it hurts. Normally I dance or I go cycling to refresh myself and relax. But that is not all, also I eat healthily: I eat stuff such as salad, fish...
    In spite of all that I do to be fit I am not obsessed with my body.
    However, doing sport in exces, can be very bad for our body, this can cause articulation problems in contrats not doing sport can cause heart problems.
    Therefore the most important is getting the adequate balance.

  32. Ana.J. España Recio 2ºBach A
    -In the first place, keeping fit is one of the biggest problems in society nowadays,because there are a lot of people who are overweight or underweight.
    -People who have overweight problems must follow a balanced diet and do a lot of sports.And people who have underweight problems must eat a lot of food with fat especially meat.
    -On the other hand what I do to be fit is eating nice food instead of junk food.In my case, I must eat a lot of food with iron because I have blood problems and it´s difficult for me to be fit , because if I do sport I get too tired and I don´t feel like eating sometimes.
    -Despite this I´m starting to do more sport and eat a little bit more everyday.Finally keeping fit isn´t as easy as people think.

  33. Odamay Batista Jiménez 2ºA
    -Firstly in order to be fit you have to do some sport and eat healthy food. Generally it´s easy but you need to be constant,have will power in your free time without eating junk food in order to keep fit.
    -Some sport advantages are : getting a better health,having less stress,decreasing,blood preassure,losing weight.One disadvantage is that you have to do it in your free time.
    -From my point of view,nowadays not so many young people do sport. As far as I´m concerned , I go cycling every day and walk thirty minutes per day. For this reason I am fit.
    -In others words, the sport is good for alls kinds of people and keeping fit is important for reason of health.

  34. Rosa Mª. Ortiz Bravo 2º Bach C

    "Acupuncture's benefit"
    What do you do to be fit?
    Many people think that you have to be fit, to be healthy and so that we can have a balanced diet and do some sports. I play sport on an excercise bike for an hour every afternoon. All my family use the bikes in the seafront for several hours at weekend. From autumn to spring, I swim in the pool and in the sea during the summer. I do hiking in spring and autumn in the Málaga mountains and I also go around some riberbers natural parks in Andalucía. I like to visit the villages of our region.

    Statistics show that people who play sports and have a balanced diet, have a higher quality of life and the age of death in higher. Personally I think it's very good to play sport and to have a balance diet rich in vegetables and fruits to control my weight. The Mediterranean diet is excellent to prevent weight gain. My mother cooks using many vegetables excluding fat, is harmful for your body. I do all this to try to be fit.

    In summary, I think the authorities should encourage the creation of restaurants that offer healthy food appeals to children and adults, offering best gifts like fast food restaurants do now . Finally the authorities should encourage us, to have a balanced diet and play sport for good health, and so we would go to the doctor less.

  35. MªCarmen Fernández Galán, 2ºC Bach
    Some people argue about what the correct form of being fit is some think that people must take proteins and not do sport and others think that people must do sport all time.
    According to these persons both have a bit of reason, because if you want to be fit you should do sport and it's recomended to take proteins but not always. On the other hand, one important part to be fit is eating healthy food, you will be healthy and you will give thanks in the future. Personally, i think the best is doing sport every days such as going to the gym, jogging or walking, etc. But you must have caution with excesive sport because it's dangerous.
    Finally, sport and healthy food are important to be fit, but the most importnat thing is that the person becomes aware of these thing.

  36. Pablo Gallego Ruiz 2ºC BACH

    People think the most important thing to be fit is doing sport, for example you can go jogging every weekend with your friends, but is not the only way. Your diet and doing sport, both are important.

    In my daily routine, i walk to the school, it is around two kilometres, to go and back home. When i return, I climb the stairs and I never use the elevator because i am young and i do not need it.
    After all that, i go to play football with my friends . We are in a team and our coach is hard and he makes us run a lot.
    Moreover, you need to eat healthily , for example fruits or vegetables with your meat or fish.

    In summary, if your diet is good and you do sport, you will be fit anyway

  37. Marta Flores García 2ºC BACH
    You must not go every day to the gym, to be fit. In my opinión, you must go some days to the gym and you must eat healthy food.

    First, I think that you must be aware of the importance of being constant with exercise.
    Second, you must organize your day to have time for everything you want to do to be fit. I recomende you run in the mornings, and go to the gym in the afternoons. I think that it is good eating bread and milk, for breakfast. At lunch, you can eat rice, pasta, meet, an if you can forget about fried things and bread, you should aveid them.

    Finally, I think that you must be patient because being fit is not posible in one day.

  38. Victor Carlos Ruiz Rodriguez 2ºC BACH

    Many people think that to be fit, you must go to a gym because they think that is the best way, but there are many others ways to have a healthy life.
    In my opinion you don´t need to go to a gym. You can do daily activities like jogging with your friends at the weekends, climbing the stairs when you go home instead of using the elevator or playing football in your free time.
    These activities will help you to have a better life quality and lose weight.
    Another way to have a good life is trying to eat in the best possible way. I think we must not eat fast food because is unhealthy; whereas we should eat fruit and vegetables every day with the meat and fish.
    In summary, people should do sport to be fit although you don´t go to a gym.

    Most people who try to be fit, do not get it. I think the problem is they do not really know how to do it.
    Each person is different to the others and, in consequence, their habbits to be fit are different too. Moreover, you cannot do onlyexercise and hope to be fit. You have to follow instructions about food, physical exercise and dayly habbits. Food is the area with biggest mistakes. People do not know what they eat. They usually do diets that are not diets. Not eating is not doing diet! Doing diet is eating the apropieate quantity of each nutrient. Doing exercise is not only running, you have to vary the kind of exercise. The fact that nobody remembers is sleeping enough time.
    In summary, I try to do all this things to be fit and I am getting it. Each day that goes by I feel I become better.

  40. Marina roldan Martinez 2ºA Bachilerato
    Many people think that being fit is very easy but you have to eat healthily and doing exercise every day .You needn´t eat vegetables every day,one or two days or week you can skip the diet.
    In the first place you can eat fish,meat,fruits and vegetables for example.I wouldn´t recomend cooking food with much oil,as an alternative you can bake the food.
    It is a bit choose do exercise. In conclusion expect to see results


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