Do you think people should pay more attention to the environment in order to prevent natural disasters?Give reasons


  1. “Natural disasters”

    Some people argue that we should care for the environment to prevent natural disaster, but other people do not think this and these people only want things to enrich themselves and do not look after others and their environment to benefit everybody. The Earth is our home and we should not destroy it because if we care for it wouldn’t cause natural disasters such as tsunamis, hurricanes… All of us live on the same planet and are part of the biosphere.
    I think that countries and scientists of the world show be aware of the urgent need to responsibly using knowledge from all fields of science to meet the needs and aspirations of human beings without using the planet incorrectly. The life expectancy has increased considerably and have been discovered for many diseases. Agricultural production has increases significantly in many parts of the world to meet the growing needs of the population. It’s available to free humankind from arduous labor through technological development and the use of new energy sources, which have also enabled the generation of a complex and growing range of industrial products and processes.
    In conclusion the science must serve the whole of humanity and contribute to giving everyone a deeper understanding of nature and society, a better quality of life and a healthy and sustainable environment for present and future generations.
    I think it must be to live more comfortably and without destroying the environment in which we live.

    Rosa Mª. Ortiz Bravo 2º Bach. C

  2. Paula Chaves García 2ºC Bachillerato

    Some people do not considerate taking care of the environment as something relevant, they do not even think about it since the consequences of not doing it do not affect them directly.
    However, they are absolutely wrong. Not paying attention to the environment is causing problems: some species are disappearing because we are damaging their habitat. Another problem is global warming, which is provoking stronger natural disasters.
    That is a really important reason to start caring about the environment:
    Natural disasters have, of course, loads of consequences: destruction of houses, schools...all kinds of buildings. They can destroy entire cities, leaving a huge desolation behind them. But besides the economic damage, which is a really good reason to take of the environment, they end with thousands of loves, and that's the main reason we must care about the environment: what else is more important than human lives?


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