Se denomina “phrasal verbs” a los verbos seguidos de partícula (una, dos o incluso tres). Las partículas cambian el significado original del verbo. Existen dos categorías dentro de estos verbos: separables e inseparables:
1 Separables: se puede separar el verbo principal de la partícula.
Example: Turn the lights off/ turn off the lights (Apaga las luces). El orden en este caso da igual.
Pero si el complemento es un pronombre debe colocarse obligatoriamente entre el verbo y la partícula.
Example: Turn them off. (Apágalas)
2. Inseparables: no puede separarse el verbo de la partícula.
Example: Stay in bed, you need to get over your cold.
Si sustituimos el complemento por pronombre el orden se mantiene:
You need to get over it
Listado “ phrasal verbs ” más comunes.
1. to be in ( inseparable) estar en casa
2. to be off to ( inseparable) salir para
3. to be over ( inseparable) haber terminado
Example: The war is over.
4. to be up to ( inseparable) tramar
Example : What are you up to?(¿Qué estás tramando?)
5. to break down ( inseparable) averiarse, derribar, deprimirse
My car broke down last week.
6. to break into ( inseparable) forzar, allanar una morada
Example: Their house was broken into. (Entraron en su casa)
7. to break off ( inseparable) interrumpirse al hablar, dejar de hablar
Example. He broke off ( Se quedó en silencio)
8. to break out ( inseparable) comenzar (epidemias, incendios), estallar (guerras)
Example: The Spanish Civil war broke out in 1936 ( La Guerra Civil Española empezó en 1936)
9. to break up( inseparable) Separarse, romper (relación)
11. to bring up Criar, educar, sacar a relucir, mencionar
Example: James brought the topic up during the meeting
His aunt brought him up. (Lo crió/ educó su tía)
12. to call off cancelar
Example: The meeting was called off
13. to carry on ( inseparable) continuar
Example: Carry on talking, please (Continue hablando, por favour)
14. to carry out llevar a cabo, realizar
15. to come across ( inseparable) encontrar por casualidad, toparse con
Example: They came across the missing file when they were tidying up
16. to come back ( from) ( inseparable) regresar
17. to come into ( inseparable) entrar
18. to come round / to( inseparable) volver en si, recobrar el conocimiento
Example: He fainted and came round/to after a while ( Se desmayó y recobró el cono cimiento después de un rato)
19. to come up with ( inseparable) mencionarse, salir a relucir, proponer
20. to cut down (on) ( inseparable) reducir (una cantidad)
Example: Cut down on carbohydrates and you will feel better.
21. to cut off cortar (electricidad), cortar el paso
22. to do away with( inseparable) abolir
Example: That law was done away with long ago.( Esa ley fue abolida hace mucho tiempo)
23. to do up arreglar, renovar
Example: They are doing the house up
24. to do without ( inseparable) prescindir de
Example: I can’t do without coffee
25. To face up to ( inseparable) Enfrentarse a
Example: You have to face up to reality
26. to fall for( inseparable) enamorarse de
27. to fall out( inseparable) pelearse, reñir
28. To fill in rellenar
Example: Please fill in the form
29. to find out averiguar
Example: I have to find out the truth. (Tengo que averiguar la verdad)
30. to get away ( from) ( inseparable) escaparse, huir
31. To get away with ( inseparable) escapar sin castigo
Example: He got away with his crimes, police couldn’t arrest him
32. to get back (from)( inseparable) regresar
33. To get by ( inseparable) apañarse
Example: They haven’t got enough to get by
34. to get into ( inseparable) entrar, subir (a un vehículo)
35. To get out of( inseparable) Salir, bajar (vehículo)
36. to get on ( inseparable) subirse, montarse
37. to get off( inseparable) bajarse, apearse
38. to get on /along well/ badly with ( inseparable) llevarse bien/ mal con
Example: She gets along really badly with her family. (Se lleva muy mal con su familia) She gets on really well with her brother. (Se lleva muy bien con su hermano)
39. to get over ( inseparable) recobrarse, reponerse, superar
Example: I’ve got a terrible cold, I can’t get over it.
40. to get up levantarse
41. to give away regalar, traicionar
Example: I am so angry, she gave all my secrets away!
42. to give back devolver
43. to give in ( inseparable) rendirse, ceder
Example: Don’t give in! ( No te rindas!)
44. to give up abandonar un hábito o actividad, rendirse
Example: he gave up fatty food and lost weight (El dejó la comida grasienta y perdió peso)
45. to go off explotar
Example: the bomb went off at five
46. to go on continuar
48. to go out salir, apagarse (luces, fuego)
49. to hand in entregar en mano (examen, paquete, etc)
Example: The student handed in the test to the teacher.
50. to hand out repartir, distribuir
Example: The teacher handed out the copies to the students.
51. to keep on ( inseparable) continuar ( same as “ carry on”)
Example: Keep on walking
52. to look after ( inseparable) cuidar de
Example: She is looking after her grandfather, who is ill.
53. to look for ( inseparable) buscar
54. to look forward to ( inseparable) esperar con ilusión, estar deseando algo
Example: I am looking forward to hearing from you. ( Estoy deseando tener noticias tuyas.)
55. to look like ( inseparable) parecer
56. To look up Buscar información, significado (libro, diccionario)
Example: I don’t know the meaning of this word. I will look it up in the dictionary
57. to look up to( inseparable) apreciar, mirar con respeto
Example: He has always looked up to his father.
58. to make out comprender, descubrir el significado de
Example: They couldn’t make out what he said ( no pudieron entender lo que dijo.)
59. to make up maquillarse, inventar, hacer las paces.
Example: Did you make it up? ( ¿Te lo has inventado?
60. to make up for( inseparable) compensar
61. to pick out elegir, seleccionar
Example: she always picks out the best
62. to pick up recoger algo, pasar a recoger a alguien (vehículo)
Example: Could you pick up the children at five, please?
63. to put away guardar, poner en su sitio
Example: Put all your books away before leaving
64. to put off aplazar, quitar las ganas
Example: The meeting was put off
65. to put on ponerse (ropa)
66. to put out apagar (fuego), sacar
67. to put up levantar, subir (precio), alojar
Example: They put him up for the night
68. to put up with ( inseparable) aguantar, soportar
Example: I can’t put up with his arrogance
69. to run after ( inseparable) perseguir
Example: The policeman ran after the criminals
70. to run away ( from) ( inseparable) huir
71. to run down/ over ( inseparable) atropellar
Example: Get into the car or you will be run down/over by a lorry
72. to run into( inseparable) chocar , toparse con
73. to run out of ( inseparable) quedarse sin, acabarse
Example: We have run out of coffee, we need to buy some more.
74. To stand up for ( inseparable) Respaldar, defender
Example: Stand up for your rights ( Defiende tus derechos)
77. to stay up late( inseparable) trasnochar
78. To split up with ( inseparable) cortar
Example: He is sad because he has split up with his fiancé.
79. to take after ( inseparable) parecerse
Example: He takes after his father
80. to take in engañar
81. to take off quitarse ropa, despegar
Example. It’s so hot! I’ll take my coat off.
82. to take out sacar, extraer
83. To try on Probarse (clothes)
85. to turn down rechazar (oferta)
86. to tell apart distinguir, diferenciar
Example: the sisters are so alike that I can’t tell them apart. ( Las hermanas son tan parecidas que no puedo distinguirlas)
87. to turn off apagar
88. to turn on encender
89. to turn out ( inseparable) resultar
Example: It turned out that the story was not true
90. to turn up( inseparable) Aparecer, presentarse
Example: I was waiting for him but he didn’t turn up. (Estuve esperándole pero no s presentó)
91. to work out solucionar (problema), hacer ejercicio

Example: I can’t work out the solution. It’s too complicated. ( No puedo encontrar la solución, es demasiado complicada)
