Gracias a Isabel Amador.

Uso: hábitos, rutinas, hablar de nuestras aficiones
He always goes to school by bus
They don’t live in Spain.
She loves vegetables.

Expresiones frecuentes: always, sometimes, usually, often, never, ever.
1)Recuerda que añadimos -S o –ES al verbo en la forma AFIRMATIVA cuando nos referimos a él, ella o ello ( he, she, it )
I/ you/ we/ they love vegetables
He /she / it LOVES vegetables.
2)Para la oración NEGATIVA usamos DON’T o DOESN’T.
I/ you/ we/ they DON’T live in Spain.
He/ she/ it DOESN’T live in Spain.
3) Recuerda usar DO o DOES para las PREGUNTAS. Utiliza las siglas ASI para recordar el orden de las preguntas ( Auxiliar+ Sujeto+ verbo en Infinitivo)
DOES he/ she / it live in Spain?
DO I / you / we / they live in Spain?

Uso: describe acciones que están ocurriendo ahora.
He is washing his teeth at the moment.
They are listening to music tonight.

Expresiones frecuentes: now, right now, today, this morning, this afternoon, at this moment, tonight.
1) El orden es el siguiente: Sujeto + am, is, are+ verbo –ing
I am eating/ I’m eating
I’m not eating
You are eating/ You’re eating
You aren’t eating
He/she/it is eating/ He’s/ she’s / it’s eating
He/she/ it isn’t eating
We are eating/ We’re eating
We aren’t eating
You are eating/ You’re eating
You aren’t eating
They are eating/ They’re eating
They aren’t eating
2) Para las preguntas simplemente cambiamos el orden. Si la afirmativa era He is eating, la pregunta cambia así: Is he eating?; They are eating- Are they eating?

Uso: Describe acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado y ya han terminado.
He walked to school yesterday
They surfed the Internet at the weekend
She went to Disneyland last July.
Expresiones frecuentes: yesterday, last week, last Monday, last year,…
1) Para la forma AFIRMATIVA, distingue entre verbos REGULARES y verbos IRREGULARES.
Si los verbos son REGULARES, añadimos –ED al verbo ( live-lived, copy- copied, start- started, play- played, stop- stopped)
The class started at 8’30 a.m.
Tom copied in the exam.
We played rugby last Saturday.
Si los verbos son IRREGULARES, debemos sabernos su forma correspondiente ( ver lista de verbos irregulares del libro, página 134 ). Por ejemplo: sing-sang, run- ran, begin- began, cut- cut, buy- bought.
He sang in a band last year.
They ran in the marathon yesterday.
I bought a new pair of jeans.
2) ¡¡¡Ojo!!!!! Cuando la oración es NEGATIVA e INTERROGATIVA, los verbos REGULARES e IRREGULARES se forman igual.
Sujeto+ DIDN’T+ VERBO DID + Sujeto + VERBO ?

The class DIDN’T START STARTED at 8’30 a.m.
Tom DIDN’T COPY COPIED in the exam.
We DIDN’T PLAY PLAYED rugby last Saturday.
He DIDN’T SING SANG in a band last year.
They DIDN’T RUN RAN in the marathon yesterday.
I DIDN’T BUY BOUGHT a new pair of jeans.

DID the class START at 8’30 a.m.?
DID Tom COPY in the exam?
DID we PLAY rugby last Saturday?
DID he SING in a band last year?
DID they RUN in the marathon yesterday?
DID I BUY a new pair of jeans?
