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  2. Is there any kind of discrimination in our society ?
    NAME: Saúl Aragón Sánchez

    In our society there are many kind of discrimination and the government do not anything about it. For example: bullying , racism and the discrimination to gays are discrimination types which are common today.

    Everybody is equal. The government should give the same opportunities to everybody. This is an important problem that the person can not solve.

    In conclusion, the government should elaborate laws about it but i think that they will not do it.

  3. Is there any kind of discrimination in our society?
    Name: Nikol Horodenska
    In our society there are many types of discrimination.
    First, for example, “racism”. We know that we are different, we do not have the same color of skin, of hair, the same type of nose, of mouse. We are diferent and it is very beautiful, but many people do not understand it. God made us equal. His creations can not be ugly.
    Second, when I was ~9, I was fat. So, at the school there were some people who used to laugh at me. That was a bad period of time. I remember it.
    Finally, there are more kind of discrimination, but I do not know all. Here are only two examples, but they are hard problems.

  4. Carmen Pérez 2 de octubre de 2018, 7:41
    NAME: Carmen María Pérez Sendra.

    In general, there are a lot of different kinds of discrimination: religious discrimination, racial discrimination, male chauvinism.

    Nowadays discrimination is spread around the world and it is not difficult to find examplse of it. For that reason everyone must be aware and try to make a difference.
    I really think that discrimination is a subject which must end up because it makes no sense and we have to think that we are persons before all.

    In sum, discrimination is a sad subject and the worst thing is that we do not do anything about it.

  5. Name: Andrea Robles Torcuato

    Is there any kind of discrimination in our society?

    In my society there is more discrimination than in others. For example: bullying, homophobia, racism...
    In the first place, the first problem is that people think that they are the best in the world.

    I am going to speak about racism because I live in Spain where there are a lot of peoble who come from other countries.
    They have different skin color and physical characters.
    Unfortunately, due this small difference nowadays there are problems like this:
    When I go out, I see frecuently black people that bad people want to avoid..
    I can´t understand why people do it!

    In conclusion, I think that everyone are equal and we have equal rules and rights.
    Anyone is better than anyone, I am like you!

  6. Is there any kind of discrimination in our society?
    Name: Francisco Soto Montes
    Groupe: 2ºBACH A

    I think my answer to that question is yes, discrimination is a topic which has been in our society for centuries, it is a controversial subject. People think that discrimination of all types are thing of the past but that is not the reality.

    At first, I think that it is a true problem nowadays because you can see discrimination every day. There are too many types of discrimination, discrimination: to gay people, discrimination to women, racism...

    In my opinion, we live in a crazy world where nobody is worried about people that suffer, they are only worried about their own interests. I think that the governement should create laws that foment and promove equality and the same rights for everybody.

    In sum, I think that our society must look back and learn from mistakes of the past and insert changes in the world.


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